Steurer & Co. LeatherWorks, Small Batch Leather Totes, Satchels, Wallets, Journal Covers

We are ready for 2017!

As the end of 2016 wrapped up and we awoke on the first day of 2017, we realized we were heading into our first full year as a brand and business.  With only three months under our belt in 2016, our “Soft Launch” was behind us and we needed to hit the ground running.  So in keeping with New Year’s tradition, we jotted down a few goals for 2017 … it’s pretty simple, but there is nothing wrong with keeping it short and sweet.

  1. Make our next small batch … we are already on No. 5!
  2. Find great retailers and stockiest to carry Steurer & Co. products
  3. Design new hand stitched products to be made on our Kentucky Studio
  4. Find great fashion and travel bloggers to cover Steurer & Co. products
  5. Attend more fashion events and shows
  6. Build more furniture
  7. Take more breaks
  8. Be more charitable

Steurer & Co. Small Batch Leather Goods, Leather Totes, Leather Satchels, Leather Wallets, Handmade Leather

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